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“Why don’t I look like her?” How adolescent girls view social media and its connection to body image

Adolescent girls appear more vulnerable to experiencing mental health difficulties from social media use than boys. The presence of sexualized images online is thought to contribute, through increasing body dissatisfaction among adolescent girls.


Exploring offending characteristics of young people with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Western Australia

Neurodevelopmental impairments resulting from Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) can increase the likelihood of justice system involvement. This study compared offence characteristics in young people with FASD to demographically matched controls (n = 500) in Western Australia.


Association between disability status and dental attendance patterns in Australian children: A national survey

This study investigated the dental attendance patterns of Australian children with and without disabilities using data from Growing up in Australia: The Longitudinal Study of Australian Children.


Lung abscess: 14 years of experience in a tertiary paediatric hospital

Lung abscess is a rare condition in paediatrics with a paucity of literature. Intravenous antibiotics is the main therapy; however interventional radiological approaches have led to the use of percutaneous drainage. Surgery is reserved for the management of complications.


Parents' Perceptions of the Neighbourhood Built Environment Are Associated with the Social and Emotional Development of Young Children

The influence of the neighbourhood built environment on young children's physical development has been well-documented; however, there is limited empirical evidence of an association with social and emotional development. Parental perceptions of the neighbourhood built environment may act as facilitators or barriers to young children's play and interactions in their local environment. The aim of this study was to examine the associations between parents' perceptions of the neighbourhood built environment and the social-emotional development of children aged two-to-five years.


A mobile health intervention to encourage physical activity in children: a randomised controlled trial

Despite immense benefits of physical activity on health and developmental outcomes, few children achieve recommended daily levels of physical activity. Given more than half of families with children own a dog, we investigated the effect of a mobile health (mHealth) intervention to encourage dog-facilitated physical activity through increased family dog walking and children's active play with their dog.


Planetary Health: We Need to Talk about Narcissism

Concepts of planetary health attempt to collectively address the biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors contributing to “Anthropocene Syndrome”, which encompasses the many wicked interrelated challenges of our time. It is increasingly evident that the wide array of causative factors is underpinned by attitudes, values, and worldviews.


Gaussian random fields: with and without covariances

We begin with isotropic Gaussian random fields, and show how the Bochner-Godement theorem gives a natural way to describe their covariance structure. We continue with a study of Matérn processes on Euclidean space, spheres, manifolds and graphs, using Bessel potentials and stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs).


Stability of benzylpenicillin for continuous intravenous infusions: An isotonic formulation for therapeutic use and a low-dose formulation for clinical trial

The objectives of this study were to develop a stability-indicating high performance liquid chromatography assay for benzylpenicillin in pharmaceutical fluids, and to investigate the stability of (i) isotonic citrate-buffered BPC solutions at the clinically relevant concentration of 30 mg/mL, and (ii) low concentration citrate-buffered BPC intravenous infusions (5–30 μg/mL).


Postinfectious Acute Cerebellar Syndromes in Children: A Nationally Ascertained Case Series From Australia 2013–2018

Postinfectious acute cerebellar syndromes show a wide spectrum of acute severity and can occur with acute febrile illness or vaccine receipt. Varicella has historically been the most common cause, associated with up to 25% of cases in large cohorts. This study aimed to describe the spectrum of syndromes in a setting with high varicella vaccine coverage.