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It's not what you were expecting, but it's still a beautiful journey: The experience of mothers of children with Down syndrome

The purpose of this study was to describe qualitatively the experience of parenting for mothers of a child with Down syndrome.


Family Functioning in Families with a Child with Down syndrome: A Mixed Methods Approach

Family Functioning in Families with a Child with Down syndrome: A Mixed Methods Approach...


The CDKL5 disorder is an independent clinical entity associated with early-onset encephalopathy

The clinical understanding of the CDKL5 disorder remains limited, with most information being derived from small patient groups seen at individual centres.


A comparison of autism prevalence trends in Denmark and Western Australia

Prevalence statistics for autism spectrum disorders (ASD) vary widely across geographical boundaries. Some variation can be explained by diagnostic methods...


The impact of single gene and chromosomal disorders on hospital admissions of children and adolescents: A population-based study

It is well recognized that genetic disease makes a significant contribution to childhood illness. Here, we present recent population data describing...


The use of cross-jurisdictional population data to investigate health indicators of child maltreatment

To investigate the prevalence, trends, and characteristics of maltreatment and assault related hospital admissions and deaths among children


Atypical presentations and specific genotypes are associated with a delay in diagnosis in females with Rett syndrome

There is often delay between onset of Rett syndrome symptoms and its diagnosis, possibly related to symptom presentation or socio-demographic factors.


Hip displacement and scoliosis in Rett syndrome - screening is required

The prevalence of hip displacement and spinal deformity in a clinic population of females with Rett syndrome to define implications for screening and management


The impact of having a sibling with an intellectual disability:parental perspectives in two disorders

This study describes the impact of having a sibling with Down syndrome or Rett syndrome using a questionnaire completed by parents.


Physical and mental health of mothers caring for a child with Rett syndrome

This study compared the behavior profile of cases in the Australian Rett Syndrome Database (ARSD) with those in a British study using the Rett Syndrome...