Increased heterogeneity of airway calibre in adult rats after hypoxia-induced intrauterine growth restrictionThe rat model demonstrates that intrauterine growth restriction leads to a more heterogeneous distribution of airway lumen calibre in adulthood
Nicotine and other potentially harmful compounds in "nicotine-free" e-cigarette liquids in AustraliaThe aim of our investigation was to assess the chemical composition of a range of e-liquids available in Australia, focusing on nicotine and other potentially harmful compounds
Fuel feedstock determines biodiesel exhaust toxicity in a human airway epithelial cell exposure modelBiodiesel is promoted as a sustainable replacement for commercial diesel. Biodiesel fuel and exhaust properties change depending on the base feedstock oil/fat used during creation. The aims of this study were, for the first time, to compare the exhaust exposure health impacts of a wide range of biodiesels made from different feedstocks and relate these effects with the corresponding exhaust characteristics.
The influence of moving walls on respiratory aerosol deposition modellingThis work initially examines particle deposition in a Weibull-type geometry, comparing traditional computational fluid dynamics approaches with a novel...
Rhinovirus exacerbates house-dust-mite induced lung disease in adult miceIn this study, we combined human-rhinovirus infection with a clinically relevant mouse model of aero-allergen exposure using house-dust-mite in an attempt to...
The concentration of iron in real-world geogenic PM10 is associated with increased inflammation and deficits in lung function in miceMineral dusts in the occupational setting are associated with poor lung health, however very little is known about the impact of heterogeneous community...
Acute diesel exhaust particle exposure increases viral titre and inflammation associated with existing influenzaExposure to diesel exhaust particles (DEP) is thought to exacerbate many pre-existing respiratory diseases.
The Evolving Landscape of e-Cigarettes: A Systematic Review of Recent EvidenceThis review focuses on smokers and nonsmokers and evaluates the most recent data regarding the potential health effects of e-cigarettes
Early-life exposure to electronic cigarettes: cause for concernThere are a multitude of ways that, with respect to early-life exposures and health, electronic nicotine delivery systems are a cause for concern
Transplacental immune modulation with a bacterial-derived agent protects against allergic airway inflammationThese data provide proof of concept supporting the rationale for developing transplacental immune reprogramming approaches for primary disease prevention