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High detection rates of nucleic acids of a wide range of respiratory viruses in the nasopharynx and the middle ear

Both bacteria and viruses play a role in the development of acute otitis media, however, the importance of specific viruses is unclear.


Crowding and other strong predictors of upper respiratory tract carriage of otitis media-related

We investigated predictors of nasopharyngeal carriage in Australian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children.


Theories of otitis media pathogenesis, with a focus on Indigenous children

Otitis media is a common childhood illness associated with hearing loss, social disadvantage and medical costs. Prevalence and severity are high among...

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Latest news & events at the Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines & Infectious Diseases.

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Prestigious fellowship to help end the cycle of painful ear infections

A The Kids Research Institute Australia ear health researcher has received a prestigious national fellowship to support her search for new therapies to improve the lives of kids who suffer repeat middle ear infections.

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Perth’s Aboriginal babies show first signs of ear disease at just eight weeks

The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers have found close to 40 per cent of Aboriginal babies begin to develop middle ear infections between two and four months of age in a first of its kind study in metropolitan Perth.

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Project helps Ethan belong

Ethan recently took part in Belong, a study led by The Kids which aims to ensure deaf and hard of hearing kids have a happy & positive school experience

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Homes crucial for healthy ears

The Kids researchers discovered that overcrowding is the strongest predictor of carriage of bacteria that cause otitis media

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Travelling with an ear infection

News you can use - Travelling with an ear infection