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Global supermarkets' corporate social responsibility commitments to public health: A content analysis

Investigate the world's largest and most powerful supermarkets' publically available CSR commitments to determine their potential impact on public health


Designs on Narrative: A Design-Based Method to Elicit Young People’s Narratives About Electronic Image-Sharing Issues and Interventions

The narrative structure innate to the Design Thinking process offered a picture of electronic image-sharing problems and related solutions from young people’s perspectives


Tasmania’s child and family centres building parenting capability: a mixed methods study

This mixed methods study investigated the impact of Tasmania’s Child and Family Centres on parents’ confidence and competence


Supporting Parents as their Child’s First Teacher: Aboriginal Parents’ Perceptions of KindiLink

This paper reports on Aboriginal parents’ perceptions about their involvement in a Western Australian pilot initiative called KindiLink. The program seeks to support parents as their child’s first teacher and thereby enhance Aboriginal children’s early-years development, while strengthening relationships between families and schools. A constructivist paradigm was used to inform the methodology which placed Aboriginal voices at the centre of the research.


“Coronavirus Changed the Rules on Everything”: Parent Perspectives on How the COVID‐19 Pandemic Influenced Family Routines, Relationships and Technology Use in Families with Infants

This study explores how the first wave of the COVID‐19 pandemic influenced family routines, relationships and technology use (smartphones and tablet computers) among families with infants. Infancy is known to be an important period for attachment security and future child development, and a time of being susceptible to changes within and outside of the family unit.


Adverse Childhood Experiences, Associated Stressors and Comorbidities in Children and Youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder across the Child Protection and Justice Settings in Western Australia

Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) are at risk of having adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), especially those with child protection or justice system involvement. The complex relationship between FASD and psychosocial vulnerabilities in the affected individual is an important clinical risk factor for comorbidity.


Child maltreatment data: A summary of progress, prospects and challenges

In 1996, the ISPCAN Working Group on Child Maltreatment Data (ISPCAN-WGCMD) was established to provide an international forum in which individuals, who deal with child maltreatment data in their respective professional roles, can share concerns and solutions.


The Effects of Using the Sun Safe App on Sun Health Knowledge and Behaviors of Young Teenagers: Results of Pilot Intervention Studies

A balanced approach toward sun exposure and protection is needed by young people. Excessive sun exposure increases their risk for skin cancers such as melanoma, whereas some exposure is necessary for vitamin D and healthy bones. We have developed a new iOS smartphone app-Sun Safe-through a co-design process, which aims to support healthy and balanced decision-making by young teenagers (aged 12-13 years).


Interparental Conflict Across the Early Parenting Period: Evidence From Fathers Participating in an Australian Population-Based Study

Current evidence about the prevalence of interparental conflict (IPC) during early parenthood is primarily based on mothers’ reports. Drawing upon Australian longitudinal data from 4136 fathers, the aims of the study were to report on the extent to which fathers report IPC across six biennial time intervals when their children were aged 6–12 months to 10–11 years, identify trajectories of IPC over time and identify postnatal factors (at the initial time point) associated with high risk trajectories of IPC.


The queers are all right: a content analysis of LGBTQIA + mental health on TikTok

The formation of online communities instils a sense of connectedness which can ameliorate the mental health concerns that result from minority stressors for lesbian, gay, queer, intersex, asexual, and other diverse genders/sexualities (LGBTQIA+). The aim of this study was to explore how LGBTQIA + people communicate social and mental health concerns on TikTok.