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The role of skin testing and extended antibiotic courses in assessment of children with penicillin allergy: An Australian experience

A direct oral provocation challenge with the culprit drug in Australian children can be safely performed, avoiding resource-intensive and painful skin testing


Mandatory vaccination and no fault vaccine injury compensation schemes: An identification of country-level policies

Countries that mandate childhood vaccination without providing no fault compensation schemes could be seen as abrogating the social contract


BUILDING A STRONGER TOMORROW: Connecting our communities through Culture

Bring together experts, leaders and members of the national and international Indigenous community to identify culturally appropriate approaches to suicide prevention


Does otitis media in early childhood affect later behavioural development? Results from the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study

The relationship between early life episodes of otitis media and later behavioural development with adjustment for confounders.


Worldwide variation in human milk metabolome: Indicators of breast physiology and maternal lifestyle?

This study investigates the variation of human milk metabolites in human milk between five different countries


The Canmore Declaration: Statement of Principles for Planetary Health

We provide the Canmore Declaration, a Statement of Principles for Planetary Health


Teleaudiology services for rehabilitation with hearing aids in adults: A systematic review

This review provides up-to-date evidence for teleaudiology hearing aid services in new and experienced hearing aid users in different practice settings


IgE and T-cell responses to house dust mite allergen components

Recent studies with synthetic peptides representing allergens and non-allergenic house dust mite proteins now offer new research avenues on HDM induced immune responses


Cellular and molecular mechanisms of vitamin D in food allergy

Epidemiological evidence from the past decade suggests a role of vitamin D in food allergy pathogenesis


Cord blood Streptococcus pneumoniae-specific cellular immune responses predict early pneumococcal carriage in high-risk infants in Papua New Guinea

We aimed to explore whether newborns in high-risk areas have pre-existing pneumococcal-specific cellular immune responses that effects early acquisition.