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From Deficit to Strength-Based Aboriginal Health Research—Moving toward Flourishing

Aboriginal Australians have a fundamental human right to opportunities that lead to healthy and flourishing lives. While the impact of trauma on Aboriginal Australians is well-documented, a pervasive deficit narrative that focuses on problems and pathology persists in research and policy discourse.


Randomised controlled trial of perinatal vitamin D supplementation to prevent early-onset acute respiratory infections among Australian First Nations children: the 'D-Kids' study protocol

Globally, acute respiratory infections (ARIs) are a leading cause of childhood morbidity and mortality. While ARI-related mortality is low in Australia, First Nations infants are hospitalised with ARIs up to nine times more often than their non-First Nations counterparts.


Folate Status and Neural Tube Defects in Aboriginal Australians: The Success of Mandatory Fortification in Reducing a Health Disparity

Mandatory flour fortification with folic acid in 2009, led to further reductions in overall neural tube defects


Selection of appropriate spirometry reference values in Aboriginal Australians

The Global Lung Function ‘Caucasian’ and ‘Other’ spirometry equations do not match healthy Aboriginal FEV1 and FVC data


Repeat pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine in Indigenous Australian adults is associated with decreased immune responsiveness

These findings highlight the critical need to evaluate the efficacy of future pneumococcal vaccine programs in the Australian Indigenous populations that recommend repeated doses of 23vPPV.


Early mortality among aboriginal and non-Aboriginal women who had a preterm birth in Western Australia: A population-based cohort study

Having a preterm (<37 weeks' gestation) birth may increase a woman's risk of early mortality. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women have higher preterm birth and mortality rates compared with other Australian women.


A cross-sectional survey of environmental health in remote Aboriginal communities in Western Australia

Poor environmental health is prevalent in remote Aboriginal communities and requires further delineation to inform environmental health policy


Translating aboriginal genomics — four letters closing the gap

Establishing a genomic reference for Australian Aboriginal populations


Environmental health challenges in remote Aboriginal Australian communities: clean air, clean water and safe housing

A considerable health disparity exists between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians, including a higher incidence and severity of cardiovascular and...


What works in preventing suicide in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities: preliminary findings

Suicide, suicide ideation and self-harm are critically important public health issues for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.