Treatment for Childhood and Adolescent Dissociation: A Systematic ReviewDissociative symptoms are linked to experiences of trauma, often originating in childhood and adolescence. Dissociative disorders are associated with a high burden of illness and a poor quality of life. Despite evidence suggesting that early intervention can improve outcomes, little research exists on the treatment of dissociative disorders in childhood and adolescence.

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Kids who attend playgroup do better at schoolNew research by The Kids Research Institute Australia has found children who attend playgroups achieve better early primary school outcomes.
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National snapshot of children's developmentNearly a quarter of Australian children could be developmentally at risk, according to the findings of the Australian Early Development Index (AEDI)
Evaluation of the Child and Family Assessment and Referral Network (CFARN)Yasmin Sandra Mary Alanna Harman-Smith Van Diermen Brushe Sincovich BA, BHlthSc(Hons), PhD BPsych(Hons), PhD (Public Health) BPsych(Hons), PhD Head,
Plasma adenosine deaminase-1 and -2 activities are lower at birth in Papua New Guinea than in The Gambia but converge over the first weeks of lifeDynamic cellular and molecular adaptations in early life significantly impact health and disease. Upon birth, newborns are immediately challenged by their environment, placing urgent demands on the infant immune system.
Multimodal brain features at 3 years of age and their relationship with pre-reading measures 1 year laterPre-reading language skills develop rapidly in early childhood and are related to brain structure and functional architecture in young children prior to formal education. However, the early neurobiological development that supports these skills is not well understood.
The impact a Mediterranean Diet in the third trimester of pregnancy has on neonatal body fat percentageMaternal diet during pregnancy has long been recognised as an important determinant of neonatal outcomes and child development. Infant body composition is a potentially modifiable risk factor for predicting future health and metabolic disease.
Long-term follow-up after recurrent otitis media and ventilation tube insertion: Hearing outcomes and middle-ear health at six years of ageTo investigate the long-term impact of recurrent otitis media (rOM) and ventilation tube insertion (VTI) in early childhood on hearing outcomes and middle-ear health three to five years later, in a prospective pregnancy cohort study.
Human Milk Microbiome and Microbiome-Related Products: Potential Modulators of Infant GrowthInfant growth trajectory may influence later-life obesity. Human milk provides a wide range of nutritional and bioactive components that are vital for infant growth. Compared to formula-fed infants, breastfed infants are less likely to develop later-onset obesity, highlighting the potential role of bioactive components present in human milk.
Powerful promotions: An investigation of the teen-directed marketing power of outdoor food advertisements located near schools in AustraliaAdolescents are heavily exposed to unhealthy outdoor food advertisements near schools, however, the marketing power of these advertisements among adolescents has not yet been explored. This study aimed to investigate the teen-directed marketing features present and quantify the overall marketing power of outdoor food advertisements located near schools to explore any differences by content (ie, alcohol, discretionary, core and miscellaneous foods) school type (ie, primary, secondary, K-12) and area-level socio-economic status (SES; ie, low vs high).