Effect of Fluoxetine on Obsessive-Compulsive Behaviors in Children and Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Randomized Clinical TrialTreatment with fluoxetine compared with placebo resulted in significantly lower scores for obsessive-compulsive behaviors at 16 weeks
Reduced heart rate variability in adults with autism spectrum disorderOur data suggest an overall dysregulation in resting autonomic activity in adults with autism spectrum disorder
A systematic review of the biological, social, and environmental determinants of intellectual disability in children and adolescentsThis systematic review aimed to identify the most important social, environmental, biological, and/or genetic risk factors for intellectual disability.
Dental care experiences and clinical phenotypes in children on the autism spectrumChildren diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder may be at higher likelihood of experiencing poorer oral health and difficulties accessing dental health care. However, identifying which children on the autism spectrum may be more vulnerable to experiencing dental care difficulties is still unknown.
A Survey of Autistic Adults from New Zealand on the Autism Diagnostic Process During Adolescence and AdulthoodThe diagnostic experiences of autistic adults in New Zealand have not been investigated and little is known globally about autistic adults' satisfaction with the autism diagnostic process. This study describes the diagnostic experiences of 70 autistic adults living in New Zealand and explores how these experiences are related to satisfaction during three stages of the diagnostic process. The results show that autistic adults were reasonably satisfied with the early query and diagnostic assessment stages, but were dissatisfied with the post-diagnostic support stage, with significant unmet needs. Dissatisfaction during the post-diagnostic support stage was also related to satisfaction during previous stages and poor coordination of supports. Suggestions are made on how to improve the autism diagnostic pathway for autistic adults in New Zealand.
Randomised controlled trial of an iPad based early intervention for autism: TOBY playpad study protocolThis trial will determine the effectiveness of the TOBY App as a therapeutic complement to other early interventions children with ASD receive
Further examination of the reducing transition rate in ultra high risk for psychosis samples: The possible role of earlier interventionThe rate of transition to psychotic disorder in ultra high risk (UHR) patients has declined in recent cohorts. The reasons for this are unclear, but may...
Baseline grey matter volume of non-transitioned "ultra high risk" for psychosis individuals with and without attenuated psychotic symptomsDifferences in regional GMV are discernible at an early stage of UHR and may be specific to individuals who have APS and psychopathology at follow-up
Evidence for shared deficits in identifying emotions from faces and from voices in autism spectrum disorders and specific language impairmentWhile autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and specific language impairment (SLI) have traditionally been conceptualized as distinct disorders, recent findings...
Prenatal testosterone exposure is related to sexually dimorphic facial morphology in adulthoodPrenatal testosterone may have a powerful masculinizing effect on postnatal physical characteristics.