Gaps in Current Autism Research: The Thoughts of the Autism Research Editorial Board and Associate EditorsMini‐commentaries on what they considered to be the current gaps in research on autism spectrum disorder
Autism and psychosis: Clinical implications for depression and suicideThis study examines the association of autism spectrum traits, depressive symptoms and suicidal behaviour in individuals with psychotic experiences
A randomised controlled trial of an iPad-based application to complement early behavioural intervention in Autism Spectrum DisorderTechnology-based interventions may provide a relatively low-cost addition to existing therapist-delivered interventions for children with ASD
Elizabeth Usher Memorial Lecture: Rethinking the clinical pathway for autism spectrum disorder and challenging the status quoThe aim of the paper is to outline the future of early identification and intervention of ASD and the research goals to be addressed to achieve this vision.
Diagnostic evaluation for autism spectrum disorder: A survey of health professionals in AustraliaReported practice of some professionals in Australia may not be consistent with international best practice guidelines for ASD diagnosis
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Language Disorder, and Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder: Overlaps, Distinguishing Features, and Clinical ImplicationsStrictly defined cases of social (pragmatic) communication disorder and specific language impairment can be distinguished from autism spectrum disorder
A Prospective Ultrasound Study of Prenatal Growth in Infant Siblings of Children With AutismIdentified no significant differences between the high- and low-risk fetuses in the rate of prenatal head and body growth throughout the 2nd and 3rd-trimester
Health of mothers of children with intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder: a review of the literatureThe deficits associated with intellectual disability (ID) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD)place a burden on their co-residing families which may impact...
Autism spectrum disorder in children born preterm: Role of exposure to perinatal inflammationThis review aims to summarise and evaluate the potential mechanisms and evidence for the role of prenatal infection on the central nervous system, and how it...
Hospitalisation rates for children with intellectual disability or autism born in Western Australia 1983-1999: A population-based cohort studyID and/or ASD were found to be associated with an increased risk of hospitalisation compared with the remainder of the population.