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Validating the rett syndrome gross motor scale

The Rett Syndrome Gross Motor Scale could be an appropriate measure of gross motor skills in clinical practice and clinical trials


Spinal fusion in girls with Rett syndrome: Post-operative recovery and family experiences

Rett syndrome is a severe neurodevelopmental disorder mainly affecting females and scoliosis is a common co-morbidity. Spinal fusion may be recommended if...


Health conditions and their impact among adolescents and young adults with down syndrome

The aim of this study was to examine the prevalence of medical conditions and use of health services among young adults with Down syndrome and describe the...


Family satisfaction following spinal fusion in Rett syndrome

Families participating in the population-based and longitudinal Australian Rett Syndrome Database whose daughter had undergone spinal fusion provided data on...


The Western Australian family connections genealogical project: Detection of familial occurrences of single gene and chromosomal Disorders

This study utilised a Western Australian (WA) genealogical database for the identification of single gene and chromosome disorders among families.


Admissions in Children with Down Syndrome: Experience of a Population-Based Cohort Followed from Birth

This study describes patterns of hospitalisations for children and young people with Down syndrome in Western Australia.


Perspectives on hand function in girls and women with Rett syndrome

Hand function is particularly affected and we discuss theoretical and practical perspectives for optimising hand function in Rett syndrome.


The experiences of mothers of young adults with an intellectual disability transitioning from secondary school to adult life

The transition from school to adulthood for young adults with an intellectual disability involves movement from a generally secure and supported school...


Maternal Conditions and Perinatal Characteristics Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability

Findings show that indicators of a poor intrauterine environment are associated with an elevated risk of ID, while for ASD, and particularly ASD without ID,...