Notification of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in hospitalised people in the Midwest region of Western Australia, 2012–2022: a retrospective cohort studyAcute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease are caused by untreated group A streptococcus infections. Their prevalence is much higher among First Nations people than other Australians.
Vision loss and diabetic retinopathy prevalence and risk among a cohort of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians with type 2 diabetes receiving renal haemodialysis treatmentDiabetic nephropathy, vision loss and diabetic retinopathy are frequent comorbidities among individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D). The Retinopathy in People Currently On Renal Dialysis study sought to examine the epidemiology and risk of vision impairment and among a cohort of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians with T2D currently receiving haemodialysis for end-stage renal failure.
Evaluating the role of asymptomatic throat carriage of Streptococcus pyogenes in impetigo transmission in remote Aboriginal communities in Northern Territory, Australia: a retrospective genomic analysisStreptococcus pyogenes, or group A Streptococcus (GAS), infections contribute to a high burden of disease in Aboriginal Australians, causing skin infections and immune sequelae such as rheumatic heart disease. Controlling skin infections in these populations has proven difficult, with transmission dynamics being poorly understood. We aimed to identify the relative contributions of impetigo and asymptomatic throat carriage to GAS transmission.
Caregiver-perceived racial discrimination is associated with diverse mental health outcomes in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children aged 7-12 yearsExposure to racial discrimination in Aboriginal children increased the risk for a spectrum of interrelated factors linked to negative mental health
High burden of infectious disease and antibiotic use in early life in Australian Aboriginal communitiesEarly life infections drive high antibiotic prescribing rates in remote Aboriginal communities
Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children in Western Australia carry different serotypes of pneumococci with different antimicrobial susceptibility profilesDifferences in pneumococcal serotypes, genotypes, and antimicrobial susceptibility between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children living in the same area
Evaluation of impact of 23 valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine following 7 valent pneumococcalThe impact of the 23vPPV booster on IPD incidence among Australian Indigenous children is unclear from regional reports of small case numbers.
Knowledge translation lessons from an audit of Aboriginal Australians with acute coronary syndrome presenting to a regional hospitalThis audit is used as a case study of translating knowledge processes in order to identify the factors that support equity-oriented knowledge translation.
General practitioners’ perceptions of their communication with Australian Aboriginal patients with acquired neurogenic communication disordersGPs report difficulty recognising acquired communication disorders and their lack of prioritising assessment and treatment of communication ability after brain injur
What factors contribute to positive early childhood health and development in Australian Aboriginal children? Protocol for a population-based cohort studyEmpirical evidence identifying the key drivers of positive early childhood development in Aboriginal children, and supportive features of local communities...