Official ERS technical standard: Global Lung Function Initiative reference values for static lung volumes in individuals of European ancestryMeasurement of lung volumes across the life course is critical to the diagnosis and management of lung disease. The aim of the study was to use the Global Lung Function Initiative methodology to develop all-age multi-ethnic reference equations for lung volume indices determined using body plethysmography and gas dilution techniques.
The effect of aquatic high-intensity interval training on aerobic performance, strength and body composition in a non-athletic populationIn a non-athletic population, aquatic-high-intensity interval training was safe and may have improved aerobic performance and lower limb strength
Upper Airway Pathology Contributes to Respiratory Symptoms in Children Born Very PretermThe upper airway may play a role in the respiratory symptoms experienced by some very preterm children and should be considered by clinicians
Structural determinants of long term functional outcomes in young children with cystic fibrosisChest CT identifies children at an early age who have adverse long-term outcomes
Intra-breath measures of respiratory mechanics in healthy African infants detect risk of respiratory illness in early lifeIntra-breath forced oscillation technique can identify healthy infants at risk of developing LRTI, wheezing or severe illness in the first year of life
Prediction of peri-operative adverse respiratory events in children: The role of exhaled nitric oxide.Increased levels of exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) may be a more objective predictor in identifying children at higher risk of peri-operative adverse respiratory...
The influence of sighing respirations on infant lung function measured using multiple breath washout gas mixing techniquesThere is substantial interest in studying lung function in infants, to better understand the early life origins of chronic lung diseases such as asthma.
A systematic approach to multiple breath nitrogen washout test qualityThe application of the systematic review improved inter-observer agreement but did not affect reported multiple breath washout outcomes
Epidural insertion height for ureteric reimplant surgery; does location matter?The caudal catheter technique was superior at reducing pain interventions, particularly bladder spasm interventions
Infant respiratory infections and later respiratory hospitalisation in childhoodThe aim of this study was to use total-population based data on an otherwise healthy population of children to assess the relationship between early...