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Healing Right Way: Study protocol for a stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial to enhance rehabilitation services and improve quality of life in Aboriginal Australians after brain injury

Despite higher incidence of brain injury among Aboriginal compared with non-Aboriginal Australians, suboptimal engagement exists between rehabilitation services and Aboriginal brain injury survivors. Aboriginal patients often feel culturally insecure in hospital and navigation of services post discharge is complex.


Stability of Pentoxifylline Injection: Application to Neonatal/Pediatric Care Setting

Pentoxifylline (PTX) is administered as 6- or 12-hour intravenous infusions in the treatment of sepsis or necrotizing enterocolitis in neonates; however, there is a paucity of formal stability data for PTX in the end-use solution. We investigated PTX stability in the simulated clinical conditions of neonatal intensive care, where PTX injection is diluted to 5 mg/mL and administered via syringe pump.


Bacille Calmette-Guérin vaccine reprograms human neonatal lipid metabolism in vivo and in vitro

Vaccines have generally been developed with limited insight into their molecular impact. While systems vaccinology enables characterization of mechanisms of action, these tools have yet to be applied to infants, who are at high risk of infection and receive the most vaccines. Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) protects infants against disseminated tuberculosis (TB) and TB-unrelated infections via incompletely understood mechanisms.


Clinical practice guidelines for paediatric X-linked hypophosphataemia in the era of burosumab

X-linked hypophosphataemia (XLH), the most common inherited form of rickets, is caused by a PHEX gene mutation that leads to excessive serum levels of fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23). This leads to clinical manifestations such as rickets, osteomalacia, pain, lower limb deformity and overall diminished quality of life.


Potentially Pathogenic Organisms in Stools and Their Association With Acute Diarrheal Illness in Children Aged <2 Years

Acute diarrheal illness (ADI) causes a substantial disease burden in high-income countries. We investigated associations between potentially pathogenic organisms in stools and ADI by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in Australian children aged <2 years.


Functional validation of variants of unknown significance using CRISPR gene editing and transcriptomics: A Kleefstra syndrome case study

There are an estimated > 400 million people living with a rare disease globally, with genetic variants the cause of approximately 80% of cases. Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) rapidly identifies genetic variants however they are often of unknown significance.


Circulating Epithelial Cell Cytokines Are Associated With Early-Onset Atopic Dermatitis

Debbie Susan Palmer Prescott BSc BND PhD MBBS BMedSci PhD FRACP Head, Early Life & Life-Course Health Program; Team Lead, Nutrition in Early Life


Association between preschooler movement behaviours, family dog ownership, dog play and dog walking: Findings from the PLAYCE study

Physical inactivity in childhood is a major public health issue. Dog ownership has been widely reported to lead to greater physical activity in adults and school-aged children. We examined if dog ownership and dog-facilitated physical activity were associated with higher physical activity in preschoolers. Secondary analysis of the 'Play Spaces & Environments for Children's Physical Activity' (PLAYCE, 2015-2018) study involving 1366, 2-5-year-olds from 122 long day-care centres in Perth, Australia was conducted.


Eye Gaze in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Review of Neural Evidence for the Eye Avoidance Hypothesis

Reduced eye contact early in life may play a role in the developmental pathways that culminate in a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. However, there are contradictory theories regarding the neural mechanisms involved. According to the amygdala theory of autism, reduced eye contact results from a hypoactive amygdala that fails to flag eyes as salient. However, the eye avoidance hypothesis proposes the opposite-that amygdala hyperactivity causes eye avoidance. This review evaluated studies that measured the relationship between eye gaze and activity in the 'social brain' when viewing facial stimuli.


Cancer therapies inducing DNA damage

The induction of DNA damage has been employed as an anticancer strategy for more than 100years, first starting with the use of radiation to treat stomach cancer followed by the first uses of DNA-damaging chemotherapy to treat childhood leukemia.