Associations between maternal antioxidant intakes in pregnancy and infant allergic outcomesAntioxidant intakes in pregnancy may influence fetal immune programming and the risk of allergic disease.
"The problem with running"-Comparing the propulsion strategy of children with Developmental Coordination Disorder and typically developing childrenChildren with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) often have difficulties running.
Parental alcohol consumption and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and brain tumorsChildhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is the most common childhood malignancy and brain tumors (CBTs) are the leading cause of cancer death in...
The mechanism of deep inspiration-induced bronchoprotection: Evidence from a mouse modelIn healthy individuals, deep inspirations (DIs) taken prior to a bronchial challenge reduce the bronchoconstrictor response, which is termed...
Does enhanced cognitive behaviour therapy for eating disorders improve quality of life?Quality of life (QOL) is the degree of enjoyment and satisfaction experienced in life, and embraces emotional well-being, physical health, economic and...
Evaluation of a new measure of mood intolerance, the Tolerance of Mood States Scale (TOMS): Psychometric properties and associationsThis research aimed to (i) validate a new measure of mood intolerance, the Tolerance of Mood States (TOMS) scale, and (ii) to examine associations between...
Going back to the future with Guthrie-powered epigenome-wide association studiesEpigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) can be used to investigate links between early life environment, epigenetics and disease...
The effects of breast-feeding duration on language ability to middle childhoodModern societies are challenged by "wicked problems" - by definition, those that are difficult to define, multi-casual and hard to treat.
Classification and regression tree and spatial analyses reveal geographic heterogeneityGenome wide linkage studies (GWLS) have provided evidence for loci controlling visceral leishmaniasis on Chromosomes 1p22, 6q27, 22q12 in Sudan...
Improving epinephrine responses in hypoglycemia unawareness with real-time continuous glucoseThe objective of this study was to determine whether real-time continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) with preset alarms at specific glucose levels would prove...