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Hand function development of children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy: A scoping review

Hemiplegic cerebral palsy (hCP) typically impacts sensorimotor control of the hand, but comprehensive assessments of the hands of children with hCP are relatively rare. This scoping review summarizes the development of hand function for children with hCP.


Early Moves Project

The Early Moves study is investigating whether a baby’s early movements can predict learning difficulties later in childhood.


Fine-grained Fidgety Movement Classification using Active Learning

Typically developing infants, between the corrected age of 9-20 weeks, produce fidgety movements. These movements can be identified with the General Movement Assessment, but their identification requires trained professionals to conduct the assessment from video recordings.


Behavior Change Techniques Involved in Physical Activity Interventions for Children with Chronic Conditions: A Systematic Review

Behavior change techniques (BCTs) have been extensively used in physical activity interventions for children, however, no systematic reviews have synthesized their effects.


Accelerate-WA Network: Developing a sustainable family-clinician-researcher network for education and training in the early detection of cerebral palsy for all infants in Western Australia

Accelerate will develop and pilot, a multi-directorate teaching and training network for early detection of cerebral palsy (CP), encompassing key clinical partners across CAHS and WACHS.


Pain coping tools for children and young adults with a neurodevelopmental disability: A systematic review of measurement properties

To systematically identify and evaluate the measurement properties of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) and observer-reported outcome measures (parent proxy report) of pain coping tools that have been used with children and young adults (aged 0–24 years) with a neurodevelopmental disability.


Australian guidelines for the management of children with achondroplasia

Achondroplasia is the most common form of skeletal dysplasia. In addition to altered growth, children and young people with achondroplasia may experience medical complications, develop and function differently to others and require psychosocial support. International, European and American consensus guidelines have been developed for the management of achondroplasia. The Australian focused guidelines presented here are designed to complement those existing guidelines.


Investigating the impact of developmental coordination difficulties across home, school, and community settings: Findings from the Australian Impact for DCD survey

To evaluate the participation difficulties experienced by children with developmental coordination disorder in home, school, and community environments.  


Measurement properties and feasibility of chronic pain assessment tools for use with children and young people with cerebral palsy

Chronic pain assessment tools exist for children, but may not be valid, reliable, and feasible for populations with functional, cognitive or communication limitations, for example, cerebral palsy (CP). This study aimed to (i) identify chronic pain assessment tools used with children and young people and rate their measurement properties; (ii) develop a CP specific feasibility rating tool to assess the feasibility of tools in CP; and (iii) categorise tools according to reporting method.


Physical activity interventions for the promotion of mental health outcomes in at-risk children and adolescents: a systematic review

Many young people are exposed to risk factors that increase their risk of mental illness. Physical activity provision is an increasingly popular approach to protect against mental illness in the face of these risk factors. We examined the effectiveness of physical activity interventions for the promotion of mental health outcomes in at-risk children and adolescents.