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Targeting DYRK1A: a key player in Down syndrome Leukaemogenesis

Sébastien Malinge SM PhD Laboratory Head, Translational Genomics in Leukaemia, Ursula Kees Fellow (CCRF), Cancer Council WA Fellow (CCWA), Senior


Constitutive Activation of RAS/MAPK Pathway Cooperates with Trisomy 21 and Is Therapeutically Exploitable in Down Syndrome B-cell Leukemia

Children with Down syndrome (constitutive trisomy 21) that develop acute lymphoblastic leukemia (DS-ALL) have a 3-fold increased likelihood of treatment-related mortality coupled with a higher cumulative incidence of relapse, compared with other children with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL).


Cancer Program

Listed are all The Kids Research Institute Australia research teams involved in our Cancer Program. This program sits under the Chronic and Severe Diseases research theme.

Translational Genomics in Leukaemia

The Translational Genomics in Leukaemia team is focused on identifying the causes of leukaemia, with the goal of developing new targeted treatments to improve quality of care and long-term survival for all children with leukaemia.


It is more “unbalanced” than you think

Sébastien Malinge SM PhD Laboratory Head, Translational Genomics in Leukaemia, Ursula Kees Fellow (CCRF), Cancer Council WA Fellow (CCWA), Senior


Building the Future Therapies for Down Syndrome: The Third International Conference of the T21 Research Society

Research focused on Down syndrome has increased in the last several years to advance understanding of the consequences of trisomy 21 (T21) on molecular and cellular processes and, ultimately, on individuals with Down syndrome. The Trisomy 21 Research Society (T21RS) is the premier scientific organization for researchers and clinicians studying Down syndrome.


Insights into the Clinical, Biological and Therapeutic Impact of Copy Number Alteration in Cancer

Copy number alterations (CNAs), resulting from the gain or loss of genetic material from as little as 50 base pairs or as big as entire chromosome(s), have been associated with many congenital diseases, de novo syndromes and cancer. It is established that CNAs disturb the dosage of genomic regions including enhancers/promoters, long non-coding RNA and gene(s) among others, ultimately leading to an altered balance of key cellular functions.


Stepwise GATA1 and SMC3 mutations alter megakaryocyte differentiation in a Down syndrome leukemia model

Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia of Down syndrome (DS-AMKL) is a model of clonal evolution from a preleukemic transient myeloproliferative disorder requiring both a trisomy 21 (T21) and a GATA1s mutation to a leukemia driven by additional driver mutations.


Efficacy of DYRK1A inhibitors in novel models of Down syndrome acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Despite significant advances, outcomes for children with Down syndrome (DS, trisomy 21) who develop acute lymphoblastic leukemia remain poor. Reports of large DS-ALL cohorts have shown that children with DS have inferior event-free survival and overall survival compared to children without DS.


SNAIL trail in myeloid malignancies

Transcription factors known to induce the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) (such as ZEB1/2 [zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1/2], SNAI1/2/3, and TWIST1/2) have been undoubtedly implicated in tumorigenesis, cancer progression, metastasis, and chemoresistance in solid tumors; however, their role in normal and malignant hematopoiesis has been underappreciated for many years.