The association between preschooler physical activity duration and intensity and social emotional development: Findings from the PLAYCE studySocial emotional development is imperative to young children's long-term psychological and physical health. Physical activity (PA) may be important for young children's social emotional development. The association between preschooler PA duration and intensity and social emotional development was investigated.
The effect of upgrades to childcare outdoor spaces on preschoolers’ physical activity: Findings from a natural experimentThis natural experiment investigated the influence of early childhood education and care outdoor physical environment upgrade on preschoolers' physical activity
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Healthway supports innovative mental health, physical activity research at The KidsThe Kids Research Institute Australia and The University of Western Australia researchers have been awarded more than $1 million in funding from Healthway, for projects to improve the mental health of LGBTQA+ young people, encourage early physical activity in childcare centres and create healthier local environme
Healthy Behaviours and Environments ProgramListed are all The Kids Research Institute Australia research teams involved in our Healthy Behaviours and Environments Research Program. This program sits under the Brain and Behaviour research theme.
Residential mobility amongst children and young people in Wales: A longitudinal study using linked administrative recordsChild poverty remains a major global concern and a child's experience of deprivation is heavily shaped by where they live and the stability of their local neighbourhood. This study examines frequencies and patterns of residential mobility in children and young people at a population level using novel geospatial techniques to assess how often their physical environment changes and to identify geographical variations in social mobility.
Effects of dog ownership on children’s social-emotional development: findings from the PLAYCE cohort studyDog ownership is common in families with children and could play a role in children's social-emotional development. This study used longitudinal data on dog ownership and changing dog ownership to investigate their effects on young children's social-emotional development.
‘Black Out Rage Gallon’ (aka borg): An investigation of a risky drinking trend on TikTokA 'Black Out Rage Gallon' (borg) is a customised, individual alcoholic beverage popularised on TikTok, whereby half the water in a gallon jug is replaced with alcohol (usually spirits), flavourings, electrolytes and caffeine. We investigated the characteristics and portrayal of the emerging alcohol trend associated with the hashtag descriptor #borg on TikTok.
Awake and Alert: Examining the Portrayal of Energy Drinks on TikTokEnergy drinks (EDs) are not recommended for minors' consumption due to a myriad of health risks, but marketing initiatives persist. This study explored the promotion of EDs on TikTok, a platform frequented by children and adolescents.
Status and Trends of Physical Activity Surveillance, Policy, and Research in 164 Countries: Findings From the Global Observatory for Physical Activity-GoPA! 2015 and 2020 SurveysPhysical activity (PA) surveillance, policy, and research efforts need to be periodically appraised to gain insight into national and global capacities for PA promotion. The aim of this paper was to assess the status and trends in PA surveillance, policy, and research in 164 countries.
The relationship between physical activity, self-regulation and cognitive school readiness in preschool childrenLimited research exists on the pathways through which physical activity influences cognitive development in the early years. This study examined the direct and indirect relationships between physical activity, self-regulation, and cognitive school readiness in preschool children.