Editorial: Vaccines and immunization services during the pandemic era and beyondCitation: Amponsah-Dacosta E, Fulurija A, Afum-Adjei Awuah A, Mathema S, Wariri O. Editorial: Vaccines and immunization services during the pandemic
Infant Whole-Cell Versus Acellular Pertussis Vaccination in 1997 to 1999 and Risk of Childhood Hospitalization for Food-Induced Anaphylaxis: Linked Administrative Databases Cohort StudyEvidence suggests that children who had received an initial priming dose of whole-cell pertussis (wP) vaccine, rather than acellular pertussis (aP) vaccine, had a lower risk of developing IgE-mediated food allergy, the most common cause of anaphylaxis-related hospital presentations of childhood.
The Impact of the No Jab No Play and No Jab No Pay Legislation in Australia: A Scoping ReviewAustralia has a long history of population-based immunisation programs including legislations. This paper reports on a review of evaluations of the impact of the federal No Jab No Pay (NJNPay) and state implemented No Jab No Play (NJNPlay) legislations on childhood immunisation coverage and related parental attitudes.
Short-course, high-dose primaquine regimens for the treatment of liver-stage vivax malaria in childrenTo assess the pharmacokinetics, safety, and tolerability of two high-dose, short-course primaquine (PQ) regimens compared with standard care in children with Plasmodium vivax infections.
Bivalent Prefusion F Vaccine in Pregnancy to Prevent RSV Illness in InfantsWhether vaccination during pregnancy could reduce the burden of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)-associated lower respiratory tract illness in newborns and infants is uncertain.
Short Message Service Reminder Nudge for Parents and Influenza Vaccination Uptake in Children and Adolescents with Special Risk Medical Conditions: The Flutext-4U Randomized Clinical TrialChildren with chronic medical conditions are at increased risk of severe influenza. Uptake of influenza vaccination in children and adolescents with these identified special risk medical conditions is suboptimal.
Timing and temporal trends of influenza and pertussis vaccinations during pregnancy in three Australian jurisdictions: The Links2HealthierBubs population-based linked cohort study, 2012–2017Antenatal inactivated influenza and pertussis-containing vaccines offer protection against severe respiratory infections for pregnant women and infants <6 months of age. Both vaccines are recommended in pregnancy; however, little is known about temporal or jurisdictional trends and predictors of uptake.
A phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double-blind study to evaluate the interchangeability of V114, a 15-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, and PCV13 with respect to safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity in healthy infants (PNEU-DIRECTION)Pneumococcal disease (PD) remains a major health concern globally. In children, pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) provide protection against PD from most vaccine serotypes, but non-vaccine serotypes contribute to residual disease. V114 is a 15-valent PCV containing all 13 serotypes in Prevnar 13™ and public health important serotypes 22F and 33F. This phase 3 study evaluated safety and immunogenicity of mixed PCV13/V114 regimens using a 3 + 1 dosing schedule when changing from PCV13 to V114 at doses 2, 3, or 4.
Parents' COVID-19 vaccine intentions for children under 5 years: Brief reflections from a qualitative studyAustralian authorities made COVID-19 vaccines available for children aged under 5 years old with serious comorbidities in August 2022. There is presently no universal programme for young children, but crucial to any rollout's success is whether parents are motivated and able to vaccinate. By examining parents' vaccine intentions, this study aims to inform current and future COVID-19 vaccine roll-outs for children aged under 5 years.
Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding influenza vaccination among parents of infants hospitalised for acute respiratory infection in AustraliaCitation: Carlson SJ, McRae J, Wiley K, Leask J, Macartney K. Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding influenza vaccination among parents of