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Prevalence and characteristics of paediatric X-linked hypophosphataemia in Australia and New Zealand: Results from the Australian and the New Zealand Paediatric Surveillance Units survey

X-linked hypophosphataemia (XLH) is the most common heritable form of rickets. Prevalence data varies across the literature between 1 in 20,000 and 1 in 200,000 per population.


Continuous glucose monitoring has an increasing role in pre-symptomatic type 1 diabetes: Advantages, limitations, and comparisons with laboratory-based testing

Type 1 diabetes is well-recognised as a continuum heralded by the development of islet autoantibodies, progression to islet autoimmunity causing beta cell destruction, culminating in insulin deficiency and clinical disease. Abnormalities of glucose homeostasis are known to exist well before the onset of typical symptoms.


Socioeconomic representativeness of Australian, Canadian and British cohorts from the paediatric diabetes AdDIT study: comparisons to regional and national data

Given limited data regarding the involvement of disadvantaged groups in paediatric diabetes clinical trials, this study aimed to evaluate the socioeconomic representativeness of participants recruited into a multinational clinical trial in relation to regional and national type 1 diabetes reference populations. 


Feasibility and acceptability of implementing an evidence-based ESCALATION system for paediatric clinical deterioration

The ESCALATION system is a novel paediatric Early Warning System that incorporates family involvement and sepsis recognition. This study aimed to assess the feasibility and iteratively refine the ESCALATION system in a variety of hospital settings in preparation for full-service implementation.


The use of an automated, portable glucose control system for overnight glucose control in adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes

A key milestone in progress towards providing an efficacious and safe closed-loop artificial pancreas system for outpatient use is the development of fully...


Clinical evaluation of a noninvasive alarm system for nocturnal hypoglycemia

The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of a prototype noninvasive alarm system (HypoMon) for the detection of nocturnal hypoglycemia.


Using continuous glucose monitoring to detect early dysglycaemia in children participating in the ENDIA study (Sub Protocol)

Aveni Liz Haynes Davis BA (Hons), MBBChir, MA (Cantab), PhD MBBS FRACP PhD Principal Research Fellow Theme Head, Chronic & Severe Diseases; Clinical


Are low sun exposure and/or Vitamin D risk factors for type 1 diabetes

Evidence supports that higher sun exposure and/or vitamin D sufficiency in pregnancy, or supplementation in early life, decreases type 1 diabetes risk


Exercise training improves vascular function in adolescents with type 2 diabetes

Exercise training can improve both endothelial function and health, independent of changes in insulin sensitivity in adolescents with type 2 diabetes