The impact a Mediterranean Diet in the third trimester of pregnancy has on neonatal body fat percentageMaternal diet during pregnancy has long been recognised as an important determinant of neonatal outcomes and child development. Infant body composition is a potentially modifiable risk factor for predicting future health and metabolic disease.
“Coronavirus Changed the Rules on Everything”: Parent Perspectives on How the COVID‐19 Pandemic Influenced Family Routines, Relationships and Technology Use in Families with InfantsThis study explores how the first wave of the COVID‐19 pandemic influenced family routines, relationships and technology use (smartphones and tablet computers) among families with infants. Infancy is known to be an important period for attachment security and future child development, and a time of being susceptible to changes within and outside of the family unit.
Prevention of Mental Health Difficulties for Children Aged 0–3 Years: A ReviewThe period of infancy and early childhood is a critical time for interventions to prevent future mental health problems. The first signs of mental health difficulties can be manifest in infancy, emphasizing the importance of understanding and identifying both protective and risk factors in pregnancy and the early postnatal period.
Study protocol of a multicentre, randomised, controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of probiotic and peanut oral immunotherapy in inducing desensitisation or tolerance in children with peanut allergy compared with oral immunotherapyPeanut allergy is the the most common cause of life-threatening food-induced anaphylaxis. There is currently no effective long-term treatment. There is a pressing need for definitive treatments that improve the quality of life and prevent fatalities.
Feasibility of conducting an early pregnancy diet and lifestyle e-health intervention: The Pregnancy Lifestyle Activity Nutrition (PLAN) projectA lifestyle intervention starting in the first-trimester pregnancy utilising e-health mode of delivery is feasible
Expert consensus document: The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) consensus statement on the definition and scope of prebioticsIn December 2016, a panel of experts was convened by the International Scientific Association for Probiotics an Prebiotics to review the scope of prebiotic.
Randomized controlled trial of early regular egg intake to prevent egg allergyWe aimed to determine whether regular consumption of egg protein from 4-6 month old reduced the risk of IgE-mediated egg allergy in infants without eczema.
Effects of maternal dietary egg intake during early lactation on human milk ovalbumin concentration: A randomized controlled trialIncreased maternal egg ingestion is associated with increased breastmilk ovalbumin, and markers of immune tolerance in infants
Consensus of stakeholders on precautionary allergen labelling: A report from the Centre for Food and Allergy ResearchPrecautionary allergen labelling is the main tool available to indicate safety levels for food-allergic consumers with regard to potential allergens
25-hydroxyvitamin D status of pregnant women is associated with the use of antenatal vitamin supplements and ambient ultraviolet radiationVitamin D deficiency in a predominantly white Caucasian cohort of pregnant women is less prevalent than has been reported in other studies