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Developing national guidelines for intervention with children on the autism spectrum in Australia

Investigators: Prof Andrew Whitehouse, Prof David Trembath Project description This project involves developing a national practice guideline for


Unpacking the complex nature of the autism epidemic

This paper discusses changes in diagnostic criteria, decreasing age at diagnosis, improved case ascertainment, diagnostic substitution, and social influences.


Adult psychosocial outcomes of children with specific language impairment, pragmatic language impairment and autism

Evidence that some children also develop autistic symptomatology over time has raised suggestions that developmental language disorder...

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Directing immune development to curb sky-rocketing disease

Once upon a time it was infectious diseases like polio, measles or tuberculosis that most worried parents. With these threats now largely under control, parents face a new challenge – sky-rocketing rates of non-infectious diseases such as asthma, allergies and autism.

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An evening for the future of autism

Join Dr Andrew Whitehouse, head of Developmental Disorders research at The Kids, as he shares with you his vision for autism research.

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App for Autism

An innovative iPad App developed in Western Australia could be the key to improved outcomes for kids with autism.

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Further evidence of testosterone link to autism

A new study from Perth's The Kids for Child Health Research has uncovered more evidence of a link between early testosterone levels and autism.


“He Sees his Autism as a Strength, Not a Deficit Now”: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study Investigating the Impact of Strengths-Based Programs on Autistic Adolescents

Recent studies have reported that strengths-based programs, leveraging autistic adolescents' abilities and interests, could improve their skills and facilitate social engagement. However, little is known about the long-term impact of strengths-based approaches. This study aimed to explore the long-term outcomes of community strengths-based programs designed to support autistic adolescents in developing interests and skills in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) and the factors influencing their participation in these programs.


Patterns of sensory modulation by age and sex in young people on the autism spectrum

Sensory modulation symptoms form a diagnostic criterion for autism spectrum disorder and are associated with significant daily functional limitations. Utilizing caregiver report on Short Sensory Profile-2 (SSP-2) for 919 autistic children (3–14.11 years), we examined the expression of sensory modulation symptoms by age and sex and investigated the existence of specific sensory modulation subtypes.