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Training Service Providers to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTQA+ youth

Investigators: Dr Bep Uink, Prof Ashleigh Lin, Prof Braden Hill, Shakara Liddelow-Hunt, Mirella Wilson

Overview: This training and evaluation project aims to strengthen the capacity of staff working in Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) to deliver support to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTQA+ youth (14-25 years).

Contact: Dr Bep Uink,

Summary: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth (14-25 years) who are also lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, asexual or other non-binary or non-heteronormative identities (LGBTQA+) face increased risk of suicide, homelessness, trauma and barriers to accessing health care. Part of this risk may be due to young people not seeking help at professional services due to fear of misunderstanding or discrimination. There are currently no guidelines and minimal training available in best-practice for health professionals working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTQA+ youth. This absence represents a significant risk of health inequality Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTQA+ youth.

The goal of this project is to is to increase capacity of ACCO staff to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTQA+ youth and their families, with the longer-term goal of improving health service access among this population.

This project has three aims:

  1. Establish the training needs of ACCOs across Australia, with regards to inclusive practice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth and their families
  2. Co-design a culturally sensitive inclusive practice training package for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth and their families with participating ACCOs as well as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth
  3. Implement and assess the efficacy of a culturally sensitive inclusive practice training for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth and their families with participating ACCOs

Funder: Department of Health

Download the Phase 1 ACCO Information Sheet

Download the Phase 1 Subject Matter Expert Information Sheet

WA participants, please see this Participant Information Sheet:

Download the Phase 1 WA Subject Matter Expert Information Sheet