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YoDA-F (Youth Depression Alleviation – Fish Oil)

Investigators: Ashleigh Lin, Charlotte Pugh, Matthew Poh

Anti-depressant medication is not always an effective treatment for young people with depression. There is growing evidence that long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (""fish oil"") have a positive effect on mental health, including depression, however, more trials are needed in young people with depression.

This study aims to answer an important clinical question: Can moderate-to-severe depression in young, help-seeking people aged 12 to 25 be effectively treated with long-chain omega-3 EFAs (‘fish oil’) in addition to standard psychological clinical care?

The trial involves young people with moderate depression taking medication (either fish oil or placebo) combined with cognitive therapy for a period of 12 weeks.

Young people were recruited through headspace in Midland and the trial was also conducted in Melbourne and Sydney.

External collaborators: Orygen, Centre for Excellence in Youth Mental Health, Melbourne, Brain Mind Institute, Sydney, Headspace Midland, Youth Focus

Funder: NHMRC

We are no longer recruiting for this study.