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Mothers with intellectual disability and their children in Western Australia

Investigators: Helen Leonard, Jenny Bourke, Jenny Fairthorne, Kingsley Wong

Project description

This study aims to describe the prevalence of parenthood among people with intellectual disability (ID) and the characteristics of mothers with ID in terms of their socio-demographic profile and health status compared with mothers without ID. The study showed that whilst both non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal women with intellectual disability have an increased risk of entering pregnancy with a pre-existing medical condition compared to mothers without intellectual disability, the magnitude of the risk is greater for non-Aboriginal mothers with intellectual disability. Infants of both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal mothers with intellectual disability were more likely to be born preterm compared with mothers without intellectual disability. Modifiable risk factors for adverse outcomes need addressing and mothers with intellectual disability may require additional support during pregnancy. A further study is looking at the child protection outcomes for these children.

External collaborators

  • Gwynnyth Llewellyn (University of Sydney)