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Stigma and mental health in teenagers who are attracted to the same gender

Student: Dylan Gilbey

Supervisors: Ashleigh Lin, Yael Perry, Jeneva Ohan 

Contact: For more information please contact Dylan at

People who are attracted to the same gender (e.g. lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer and other same-gender attracted people) tend to experience poorer mental health than the general community. This problem is thought to be because of the way same-gender attracted people are viewed by the rest of society. In this project, we’re interested in learning more about the way that teenagers who are attracted to the same gender describe their experience. We’re particularly interested in learning about how they feel other people see them and how this affects the way the way they see themselves. Taken together, we want to understand how these things affect mental health in this group and what we can do to help.