The transport of sick newborn infants with respiratory distress leads to unwanted stress at time of physiological instability. There is dearth of studies to evaluate these stress levels. This pilot prospective observational before-after study aimed to evaluate the plasma cortisol levels (as surrogate marker of stress) in infants with respiratory distress during different phases of neonatal transport.
Plasma Cortisol Levels in Infants With Respiratory Distress During Different Phases of Neonatal Transport: A Pilot Prospective Observational Before-After Study
The transport of sick newborn infants with respiratory distress leads to unwanted stress at time of physiological instability. There is dearth of studies to evaluate these stress levels. This pilot prospective observational before-after study aimed to evaluate the plasma cortisol levels (as surrogate marker of stress) in infants with respiratory distress during different phases of neonatal transport.