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Neuropsychological profiles of adolescents sentenced to detention in Western Australia with and without prenatal alcohol exposure

Youth with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) are under-recognised in the justice system, warranting improved identification. This study aimed to compare neuropsychological profiles of adolescents, with and without PAE and identify neuropsychological tasks predictive of PAE-group membership. It was hypothesised that participants with PAE would score significantly lower on neuropsychological tests.

Kerry J, Tan GKY, Panton KR, Mutch R, Freeman J, Passmore H, Pestell CF. Neuropsychological profiles of adolescents sentenced to detention in Western Australia with and without prenatal alcohol exposure. Crim Behav Ment Health. 2024;43(2):163-181 

FAS; FASD, Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder; Foetal alcohol syndrome; PAE, prenatal alcohol exposure; justice; paediatric neuropsychological assessment; youth detention

Youth with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) are under-recognised in the justice system, warranting improved identification. This study aimed to compare neuropsychological profiles of adolescents, with and without PAE and identify neuropsychological tasks predictive of PAE-group membership. It was hypothesised that participants with PAE would score significantly lower on neuropsychological tests.