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Statistical modelling under differential privacy constraints: a case study in fine-scale geographical analysis with Australian Bureau of Statistics TableBuilder data

Consistent with the principles of differential privacy protection, the Australian Bureau of Statistics artificially perturbs all count data from the Australian Census prior to its release to researchers through the TableBuilder platform. This perturbation involves the addition of random noise to every non-zero cell count followed by the suppression of small values to zero.

Cameron E. Statistical modelling under differential privacy constraints: a case study in fine-scale geographical analysis with Australian Bureau of Statistics TableBuilder data. Aust Geogr. 2024;55(2):259-273 

Australian Bureau of Statistics; Bayesian statistics; Census population counts; data perturbation; differential privacy; TableBuilder

Consistent with the principles of differential privacy protection, the Australian Bureau of Statistics artificially perturbs all count data from the Australian Census prior to its release to researchers through the TableBuilder platform. This perturbation involves the addition of random noise to every non-zero cell count followed by the suppression of small values to zero.