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Impact of ventilation tube insertion on long-term language outcomes at 6 and 10 years of age: A prospective pregnancy cohort study

Investigating the impact of early childhood ventilation tube insertion (VTI) on long-term language outcomes. 

Alenezi EMA, Robinson M, McKinnon EJ, Calder SD, Veselinović T, Richmond PC, Eikelboom RH, Brennan-Jones CG. Impact of ventilation tube insertion on long-term language outcomes at 6 and 10 years of age: A prospective pregnancy cohort study. Clin Otolaryngol. 2024;49(2):191-198

Grommets; language development; middle ear infections; otitis media; tympanostomy tubes; ventilation tubes insertion; VTI

Investigating the impact of early childhood ventilation tube insertion (VTI) on long-term language outcomes.