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The Utility of Natural Language Samples for Assessing Communication and Language in Infants Referred with Early Signs of Autism

Natural Language Sampling (NLS) offers clear potential for communication and language assessment, where other data might be difficult to interpret. We leveraged existing primary data for 18-month-olds showing early signs of autism, to examine the reliability and concurrent construct validity of NLS-derived measures coded from video-of child language, parent linguistic input, and dyadic balance of communicative interaction-against standardised assessment scores. Using Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT) software and coding conventions, masked coders achieved good-to-excellent inter-rater agreement across all measures.

Hudry K, Smith J, Pillar S, Varcin KJ, Bent CA, Boutrus M, Chetcuti L, Clark A, Dissanayake C, Iacono T, Kennedy L, Lant A, Robinson Lake J, Segal L, Slonims V, Taylor C, Wan MW, Green J, Whitehouse AJO. The Utility of Natural Language Samples for Assessing Communication and Language in Infants Referred with Early Signs of Autism. Res Child Adolescent Psychopathology. 2023

Communication; Infancy; Language; Measurement; Natural Language Sampling; Parent–Child Interaction

Natural Language Sampling (NLS) offers clear potential for communication and language assessment, where other data might be difficult to interpret. We leveraged existing primary data for 18-month-olds showing early signs of autism, to examine the reliability and concurrent construct validity of NLS-derived measures coded from video-of child language, parent linguistic input, and dyadic balance of communicative interaction-against standardised assessment scores. Using Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts (SALT) software and coding conventions, masked coders achieved good-to-excellent inter-rater agreement across all measures.