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Data resource profile: the ORIGINS project databank: a collaborative data resource for investigating the developmental origins of health and disease

The ORIGINS Project (“ORIGINS”) is a longitudinal, population-level birth cohort with data and biosample collections that aim to facilitate research to reduce non-communicable diseases and encourage ‘a healthy start to life’. ORIGINS has gathered millions of datapoints and over 400,000 biosamples over 15 timepoints, antenatally through to five years of age, from mothers, non-birthing partners and the child, across four health and wellness domains.

Davey BC, Billingham W, Davis JA, Gibson L, D’Vaz N, Prescott SL, Silva DT, Whalan S, Rees-Roberts M. Data resource profile: the ORIGINS project databank: a collaborative data resource for investigating the developmental origins of health and disease. Int J Popul Data Sci. 2023;8(6).

Birth cohort; childhood; databank; development; DoHAD; longitudinal; microbiome; non-communicable disease; ORIGINS; population-level 

The ORIGINS Project (“ORIGINS”) is a longitudinal, population-level birth cohort with data and biosample collections that aim to facilitate research to reduce non-communicable diseases and encourage ‘a healthy start to life’. ORIGINS has gathered millions of datapoints and over 400,000 biosamples over 15 timepoints, antenatally through to five years of age, from mothers, non-birthing partners and the child, across four health and wellness domains.