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Reach and perceived effectiveness of a community-led active outreach postvention intervention for people bereaved by suicide

Postvention is a core component of suicide prevention strategies, internationally. However, the types of supports provided to people impacted by suicide vary widely. This study examines the perceived effectiveness of the Primary Care Navigator (PCN) model for people bereaved by suicide. The PCN model was implemented in response to a suicide cluster.

Hill NTM, Walker R, Andriessen K, Bouras H, Tan SR, Amaratia P, Woolard A, Strauss P, Perry Y, Lin A. Reach and perceived effectiveness of a community-led active outreach postvention intervention for people bereaved by suicide. Front Public Health. 2022;10

Community intervention; postvention; suicide cluster; suicide prevention; suicide prevention and intervention

Postvention is a core component of suicide prevention strategies, internationally. However, the types of supports provided to people impacted by suicide vary widely. This study examines the perceived effectiveness of the Primary Care Navigator (PCN) model for people bereaved by suicide. The PCN model was implemented in response to a suicide cluster. It is an active outreach postvention intervention, initiated by police in response to a suspected suicide and links individuals to support in the immediate aftermath of their loss.