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Optimising a 6-plex tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis fluorescent bead-based immunoassay

Small volume assays are required for large-scale research studies and in particular paediatric trials, where multiple measures are required from a single sample. Fluorescent bead-based technology (Bioplex/Luminex) allows high through-put and simultaneous quantification of multiple analytes in a single test. This technology uses sets of microspheres, each with a unique spectral address that can be coated with a different antigen of interest.

McAlister SM, van den Biggelaar AHJ, Thornton RB, Richmond PC. Optimising a 6-plex tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis fluorescent bead-based immunoassay. MethodsX. 2021;8.

Antibody; Bioplex; Conjugation; FMIA; IgG; Luminex; MIA; Microsphere; Multiplex; Multiplex fluorescent bead immunoassay; Whooping cough

Small volume assays are required for large-scale research studies and in particular paediatric trials, where multiple measures are required from a single sample. Fluorescent bead-based technology (Bioplex/Luminex) allows high through-put and simultaneous quantification of multiple analytes in a single test. This technology uses sets of microspheres, each with a unique spectral address that can be coated with a different antigen of interest.