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Introducing the ORIGINS project: a community-based interventional birth cohort

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) pose the greatest threat to human health globally. The dramatic rise in early onset NCDs - such as childhood obesity, the allergy epidemic and an increasing burden of mental ill health in children and youth - reflect the profound early impact of modern environments on developing systems.

Silva DT, Hagemann E, Davis JA, Gibson LY, Srinivasjois R, Palmer DJ, Colvin L, Tan J, Prescott SL. Introducing the ORIGINS project: a community-based interventional birth cohort. Rev Environ Health. 2020 Sep 25;35(3):281-293. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2020-0057. PMID: 32853171.

DOHaD; collaboration; epidemiology; intervention; microbiome; non-communicable diseases; population; pregnancy; prevention.

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) pose the greatest threat to human health globally. The dramatic rise in early onset NCDs - such as childhood obesity, the allergy epidemic and an increasing burden of mental ill health in children and youth - reflect the profound early impact of modern environments on developing systems.