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The Australian and New Zealand Children's Haematology/Oncology Group Biobanking Network

The ANZCHOG-BN is a new biobank network in Australasia that was developed to improve and streamline access to high-quality pediatric and AYA cancer biospecimens

Boutros R, Catchpoole D, Collins K, Cross S, Downie P, Drinkwater C, Fletcher J, Gottardo NG, et al. The Australian and New Zealand Children's Haematology/Oncology Group Biobanking Network. Biopreservation and Biobanking. 2019;17(2):95-7

For the past decade, oncology research has undergone an exciting transformation, driven by advances in genomic technologies and underpinned by international collaborations. The movement toward precision medicine for cancer patient care is increasing pressure on biobanks to deliver the high-quality biospecimens that are required to study the complexity and heterogeneity of cancer. Biobanking in childhood and adolescent/young adult (AYA) cancers presents an additional challenge as these cancers are rare, and therefore less accessible to researchers than biospecimens from cancers arising in the general population. The Australian and New Zealand Children's Haematology/Oncology Group Biobanking Network (ANZCHOG-BN) was founded in 2017 to overcome the aforementioned challenges for pediatric cancer biobanks in Australasia. ANZCHOG-BN is a subgroup of ANZCHOG, the not-for-profit organization for Australian and New Zealand health professionals, working to improve outcomes for children and adolescents with cancer through quality research, facilitation of clinical trials, and best practice in clinical care