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Violence Risk Assessment in Australian Aboriginal Offender Populations: A Review of the Literature

The utilization of violence risk instruments in forensic populations is increasing and a plethora of empirical investigations support their ability to...

Shepherd SM, Adams Y, McEntyre E, Walker R

Authors notes:
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 20(3): 281-29

Aboriginal Australians, clinical psychology, forensic psychology, risk assessment, risk factors for violence

The utilization of violence risk instruments in forensic populations is increasing and a plethora of empirical investigations support their ability to predict recidivistic outcomes.

However, the generalizability of these findings to culturally diverse populations is problematic given dissimilarities in cultural traditions, norms, and experiences.

The present study explored this subject in relation to Aboriginal Australians.

First, a concert of violence risk markers that are more prevalent among Aboriginal Australian offenders compared with non-Aboriginal offenders were examined in light of their social and historical context.

Next, studies employing violence risk instruments on cohorts of Aboriginal Australian offenders were reviewed.
Findings demonstrated moderate predictive accuracy for violence and commensurate utility with non-Aboriginal offenders although results should be treated with caution due to the paucity of available studies for consideration.

Implications for clinical practice and culturally appropriate assessment models are discussed.