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Epidemiology of hypoglycaemia in childhood-onset diabetes in Western Australia

Investigating the demographic, lifestyle and diabetes management factors associated with the incidence of severe hypoglycemia

Tim Jones, Liz Davis, Matt Cooper

Hypoglycemia and the subsequent effects of hypoglycemia remain the primary fear for children and their parents in adequately managing the treatment of Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). It is reported that over the past decade the overall incidence of severe hypoglycemic events has declined relative to the previous decade. In this study we investigate the demographic, lifestyle and diabetes management factors associated with the incidence of severe hypoglycemia to provide clinicians and diabetes educators with knowledge our which patients may be at higher risk of severe hypoglycemia.
The aims of this study are:

  • Report the incidence of severe hypoglycemia over the past decade in the WA childhood T1D onset cohort
  • Calculate the relative risk for the association of demographic, lifestyle and management factors (including but not limited to age, length of diagnosis, BMI, insulin regime) with the incidence of severe hypoglycemia.

Funder: Internal Funds