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Community Engagement

Community engagement for the Ngulluk Koolunga Ngulluk Koort (Our Children, Our Heart) Project.

Perth-wide Elders meetings

On 19th May 2016, a meeting of 51 Perth Elders was hosted at the Wollaston Conference Centre, (Mount Claremont).

The objective of the meeting was to provide an overview of the project including its goals and expected outcomes, introduce key members of the research team, determine a suitable name for the project, explain the role of the Elder Co-Researcher group, and to seek expressions of interest for joining the group. Endorsement for the project was sought and given at this meeting.

The second annual meeting of Elders from across the Perth metropolitan region was hosted on the 17th of October 2017.

This was attended by 60 Elders who endorsed the project’s activities to date and gave a clear message of the need for the project team to begin working closely with service providers and community organisations to bring about the changes to policy and practice that the community has identified.

The third meeting was held on the 26th of February 2019 at Burswood on Swan. This meeting was attended by 65 Elders who heard presentations from the Noongar Family Safety and Wellbeing Council, Noongar Mia Mia, and Shelter WA and endorsed recommendations from each organisation. Find out more about this meeting here.


Community Consultation

There have been a number of discussions with the community(s) to talk about the important things that make Aboriginal children strong, protect young Aboriginal children, and what is needed to better support Aboriginal children and their families.

The primary focus of this work has been engagement with parents, grandparents and family members of Aboriginal children in Perth, Western Australia (WA).

This engagement began with a community forum in each of the four regions – South East (Belmont to Armadale); North East (Midland/Swan Area); North West (Perth City to Two Rocks); and South West (Fremantle to Rockingham) – and seven focus groups across the four regions, including a dedicated men’s group involving participants of mixed ages.

In total the forums and focus groups involved 138 participants, ranging in age from 18 through to over 80 years of age.

Community Forums

The community forums took place between November 2016 and April 2017.

The objective was to provide an opportunity for members of the communities across each of the four Perth metropolitan regions to engage in a meaningful discussion about early child development issues including: school readiness, language development, health and wellbeing, social and emotional development.

The forums focused on the role of family, kinship and community in children’s lives and development as well as parents’ and families’ values and practices about raising their children.

Aboriginal Elders, parents and other community members were all encouraged to attend and share their views, experiences and opinions regarding these issues.

The community forums were held at:

  • Champion Centre, Seville Grove (03/11/2016)
  • Altone Park Leisure Centre, Beechboro (09/03/2017)
  • Herb Graham Rec Centre, Mirrabooka (23/03/2017)
  • Jandakot Hall, South Lake (06/04/2017)

Focus Groups

The focus groups were designed to attract the participation of younger parents as well as other members of the communities who may not have been able to attend one of the forums or felt more comfortable in a smaller sized group.

The focus groups were held at:

  • Wadjak Centre, Balga (1/06/2017)
  • Mums & Bubs program, Champion Centre, Seville Grove (13/06/2017)
  • Save the Children Playgroup, Champion Centre, Seville Grove (28/06/2017)
  • Kindilinks, Hilton Primary School (29/06/2017)
  • Armadale Men’s Shed (23/8/2017)
  • Langford Aboriginal Association (24/08/2017)
  • Kindilinks, Mooditj Nyoongar Community College (1/09/2017)