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Get involved

The Life Course Centre is for all Centre members, and there are multiple ways to get involved beyond your vital contributions to the research program.

The Life Course Centre is for all Centre members, and there are multiple ways to get involved beyond your vital contributions to the research program. Benefits of getting involved include:

Demonstrated skills in multi-disciplinary and applied research – these are increasingly important for appointments, promotions and grant success.

Developing national and international networks of future and present research leaders.

The opportunity to work with communities, government and non-government organisations.

Demonstrated experience with governance, strategy and planning for tertiary organisations.

Opportunities include:

Committee membership of the Research Committee and Portfolio Committees (by invitation or by responding to a request for expressions of interest).

Working groups for Centre initiatives, which might include:

  • Designing and delivering summer or winter schools
  • Organising the Centre Conference or Research Retreat
  • Workshops and seminars for internal and external participants
  • Training and capacity building for Centre members and Centre partners
  • Outreach activities, such as programs with high schools or community groups
  • Attending Centre professional development programs
  • Being involved in the Centre’s mentoring program, as mentor or mentee
  • Hosting international visitors, or being an official visitor at a Centre partner university overseas.

Who can be a part of Life Course Centre?

At the Life Course Centre we are always looking to build capacity and strenthen our networks through our relationships with a diverse range of people and organisations. We welcome expressions of interest to become involved in the following ways:

Centre Members

Centre members are the named investigators, paid and in-kind Research Fellows, and eligible students at the four participating organisations.

  • Chief Investigators at the University of Queensland, University of Melbourne, University of Sydney and the University of Western Australia
  • Partner Investigators at overseas universities
  • Associate Investigators at overseas and Australian universities.

If your salary is paid fully or partially from Centre funds, or if you are part of a project receiving support from the Centre, then you are a Centre member. You get access to Centre support services in a wide range of areas, you can apply for Centre grants, and you have access to Centre professional development opportunities. You are also required to acknowledge the ARC in your publications deriving from Centre research, and your publications and the data sets you own must be open-access within 12 months of publication (subject to any reasonable conditions on access).

Centre Partners

We have partnership agreements with a broad range of government, non-government and industry organisations. We can add new Centre partners with the agreement of the participating organisations and the ARC. The partnership agreements are broad—they last for the duration of the Centre and can cover a range of projects.

Each project is covered by a separate Project Specification under the partnership agreement, so it is possible to have specific arrangements for specific purposes.

It is also possible for us to form a partnership for a specific project under a Third Party Agreement. This will be for a set period of time, for a set purpose, with the contributions of each partner set out, and with agreed milestones and deliverables. This is suitable for projects we have co-designed with you – a collaborative endeavour.

If you have a project you want delivered, and you have already established the purpose and scope of the project and the deliverables you want, this is most suitable for contract research. In the Life Course Centre, there are a number of institutes, centres and schools that are experienced in delivering contract research. We will be happy to facilitate introductions for you.


Both organisations and individuals can be Life Course Centre Affiliates, and the benefits include:

  • Mutual promotion of achievements and opportunities. We are always happy to promote the activities of Life Course affiliates
  • Undertake joint initiatives, including workshops, presentations and publications
  • Receiving newsletters and Centre communications
  • Invitations to Centre events, including discounted conference registration.