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WAACHS Volume 2

The social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal children and young people

Content of Volume 2

This volume reports on the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal children and young people, particularly protective and risk factors that shape the development of both their physical and mental health.

Area classifications

To better describe the geographic diversity of Western Australia and the marked differences in access to basic services, cultures and health outcomes experienced by Aboriginal people living in remote areas of the state, two geographic classifications are used:

Level of Relative Isolation (LORI). LORI was developed specifically to describe WAACHS data. The classification more appropriately reflects differences in culture, access to services and health outcomes for Aboriginal children, particularly those living in isolated areas. See Glossary to learn more.

ATSIC regions. Since the release of Volume 1 in 2004, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) has been replaced by the Office for Indigenous Policy Coordination. As a consequence, regions administered by ATSIC Regional Councils were replaced by Indigenous Coordination Centres (ICCs). See Glossary to learn more.

Volume 2 comprises eight chapters together with Appendices and a Glossary. PDF files are available for either the complete volume or for each component of the volume.


Additional Notes

The following notes are additional to the analysis presented in Chapter 7 of the main volume.

They focus on forced separation from natural family, forced relocation from traditional country or homeland, and social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal children and young people, with an extended analysis of how outcomes differ by the age of the child's carers.