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WAACHS Regional Profiles

The WAACHS regional profiles look at all four volumes of results across the ATSIC regions of Western Australia.

Country Noongar (Narrogin)
The Narrogin ATSIC Region extends from Dalwallinu in the north to Albany in the south with Ravensthorpe at the most eastern point.

Albany, Bunbury and Busselton are major towns in the region. There are several smaller towns in the region. These include Collie, Dalwallinu, Katanning, Margaret River and Pemberton.

Kullari (Broome)
The Broome ATSIC Region extends from Bidyadanga in the south to One Arm Point in the north. Broome is the only major town in the region.

There are several larger Aboriginal communities in the region. These include Bidyadanga, Beagle Bay, Lombadina/Djarindjin, and One Arm Point. Some of the smaller communities in the region include Frazier Downs, Carnot Springs, Ngamakoon and Mudnunn.

Malarabah (Derby)
The Derby ATSIC Region extends from Derby to Yiyili which is 180 klms east of Fitzroy Crossing & South into the Desert as well as up the Coast to Mitchell Plateau. Derby and Fitzroy Crossing are the two major towns in the region.

There are several larger Aboriginal communities in the region. These include Bayulu, Junjuwa, Looma, Mowanjum, Wangkatjungka and Yiyili. Some of the smaller communities in the region include Djugeraru, Jarlmadangah Burru, Imintji and Yakanara.

Mulga Mallee (Kalgoorlie)
The Goldfields ATSIC Region extends from Mulga Queen in the north to Esperance in the south with Eucla at the most eastern point.

Kalgoorlie, Coolgardie, Leonora and Esperance are the only major towns in the region. There are several larger Aboriginal communities in the region. These include Mt Margaret and Kurrawang. Some of the smaller communities in the region include Ninga Mia, Cosmo Newberry and Iragul.

Ngarda Ngarli Yarndu (South Hedland)
The South Hedland ATSIC Region extends from Port Hedland in the north to Paraburdoo in the south. Karratha, Onslow, Tom Price, Marble Bar and Port Hedland are the major towns in the region.

There are several larger Aboriginal communities in the region. These include Warralong and Yandeyarra. Some of the smaller communities in the region include Bunnengarra, Ngurawaana and Woodstock.

Perth Noongar (Perth)
The Perth Noongar ATSIC Region extends from Lancelin in the north, Wooroloo in the east and Dwellingup and Coolup in the south.

Perth is the capital city of Western Australia.Whilst the Perth Noongar ATSIC region has the largest concentration of Aboriginal people in Western Australia, it is also the smallest in area.

Warburton (Western Desert)
The Warburton ATSIC Region extends from Nullagine in the north to Coonana in the south with Tjukurla at the most eastern point.

Newman, Wiluna and Warburton are the only towns in the region. There are several large Aboriginal communities in the region. These include Jigalong, Tjuntjuntjarra and Wannan.

Wunan (Kununurra)
The Kununurra ATSIC Region extends from Kununurra in the North East to Halls Creek and its surrounding communities in the South.

Kununurra, Wyndham and Halls Creek are the three major towns in the region. There are several larger Aboriginal communities in the region. These include Warmun, Balgo, Oombulgurri and Kalumburu. Some of the smaller communities in the region include Wuggubun, Nimbing, Red Hill and Mindibungu.

Yamatji (Geraldton)
The Geraldton ATSIC Region extends from Exmouth in the north to Leeman in the south with Meekatharra at the most eastern point.

Geraldton, Carnarvon and Meekatharra are major towns in the region. There are several smaller towns in the region. These include Mullewa, Mt Magnet, Shark Bay and Cue. There are two remote communities in the region being Burringurrah and Pia Wadjari and even smaller communities at Barrel Well, Bundundea, Buttah Windee and Mungullah.