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Indigenous Health

The Indigenous Health research theme integrates the needs of Indigenous families and children into all relevant areas of our work. Improving the health and well-being of Indigenous children and families is an overarching priority for every program and team at the Institute.

Indigenous Health is our research theme which aims to improve the health and wellbeing of Indigenous children and families. This is an overarching priority for every research theme at the Institute.

Indigenous people experience greater disadvantage than the rest of the population on almost all of the determinants of health, social and emotional wellbeing including employment, education and housing.

Related programs

As there are specific cultural, social and economic contexts that require more specialised investigation in collaboration and consultation with Indigenous families, this research theme is unique in that it provides advice, technical and cultural support across the Institute to all programs of research.

We acknowledge

We acknowledge the shared history between Indigenous and other Australian peoples and plans for a common future.

The Institute has established a strong relationship with Indigenous communities over its history and during this time we have discovered much together.

It is upon these achievements that we seek to consolidate our efforts and invest our resources into those areas where we can make a more defined difference.

  • We will integrate the needs of Indigenous families and children into all relevant areas of our work. Our statement and principles below will frame the measures that we implement over the next five years.
  • We recognise Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and original custodians of this land.
  • We acknowledge the loss of land, children and family, languages and cultural identity and the impact this has upon Indigenous health and wellbeing.
  • We believe that all Australians must better understand the shared past and how it affects the lives of Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander peoples today.
  • It is through a relationship of trust, working as partners toward agreed objectives, that we will pave the way forward.
  • We commit to translating our research into positive sustainable change in the health and wellbeing of Indigenous children.

Download our commitment to Reconciliation (PDF) 

The Kids is proud to be a signatory to the Family Matters initiative. We’re committed to an approach that trusts Indigenous people to deal with Indigenous business, one that includes genuine collaboration and partnership, empowers communities and involves long-term government support across the country, to ensure that all Indigenous and Torres Strait Islander children grow up safe, well and cared for in their families, communities and culture.