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Student life

The Kids Research Institute Australia provides students with several opportunities to meet other students and staff members, develop professionally and personally, and have a say in student services and the student experience.

The Kids Research Institute Australia provides students with several opportunities to meet other students and staff members, develop professionally and personally, and have a say in student services and the student experience.

Student Circle

Student Circle is the name given to the student community at The Kids Research Institute Australia. The Circle is led by a group of Student Leaders, who represent the study body on a number of committees and organise the student-only events listed below. Our Student Leader’s can be contacted by emailing

Student Circle Catchups

The Student Circle holds fortnightly morning and afternoon teas for all students. This informal catch-up is to discuss all topics of relevance to students including funding opportunities, resources, support, and upcoming events. Feedback from these meetings is provided to the Student Leadership Group by Student Leaders in attendance.

Student Development Program

The Student Development Program is a two-day, student-only event, organised by Student Leaders with the help of student volunteers. The aim of this event is to provide students with an opportunity to develop on a professional and personal level, and meet students from different research areas. The Program is held off-site and includes workshops, presentations, and fun team building activities.

Student Symposium

The Student Symposium is a one-day, student-only event, organised by Student Leaders with the help of student volunteers. The event consists of student presentations, as well as talks from guest speakers. Students are invited to submit an abstract for presentation in either 3-minute or 10-minute thesis format.

The Symposium is a safe place for students to practice presenting and receive feedback from their peers. Presenting at the Symposium satisfies PhD students’ first three yearly presentation milestones

Student Leadership Group

The Student Leadership Group (SLG) is the Institute’s formal committee for students, chaired by the Student Leadership Group. The Group aims to support research students at the Institute through various initiatives and services.

The SLG consists of representatives from the student body, Leadership & Organisational Development, our Research Development team, the Institute’s Leadership Team, and supervisory body.

The Group discuss all activities related to student recruitment, development, funding, and support. Student Leaders also provide the Group with any feedback or comments received at the Student Circle afternoon tea.

Professional Development

The professional development program at The Kids Research Institute Australia is dedicated to the development of all staff and students. Throughout the year, a number of different workshops and presentations are held, which are free for all staff and students to attend.

The Leadership & Organisational Development team also frequently schedule student-only events, to provide students with an opportunity to develop their research skills with peers. All enrolled students will have access to the Institute’s Training Calendar, from which they can RSVP to development opportunities.

Social Club

The Institute’s Social Club is run by a volunteer committee, with representatives from all areas of the Institute. Past events include sundowners, Easter and Christmas breakfasts, Melbourne Cup lunch, morning teas, and sporting events. Annual memberships for students are offered at a discounted rate of $40/year.

Student resources


All students of the Institute are provided with a workspace for the duration of their placement. Students who are not at the Institute full-time may be required to share their workspace with others. Every effort is made to seat students close to their research group, however this is not always possible. Student workspace locations may change over time.

The Kids Email Address

Some students may be provided with a The Kids email account. Students with a The Kids email will receive all important student correspondence from the Institute to this email address. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they frequently access this mailbox. For convenience, emails may be forwarded to another more frequently monitored mailbox.

Employee Wellbeing Service

The Institute provides an Employee Wellbeing Service for all staff and students. This program provides free, professional, and confidential counselling to staff, students, and their immediate family. This service may be used for either personal or work-related issues which may be affecting general wellbeing. Staff and students may access up to 4 free counselling sessions per year.

Financial Support

The Institute provides internal PhD, MPhil, and Honours students with funding to support travel to conferences, professional development, and other candidature-related activities. Full details on funding will be provided to students during their The Kids induction.

Office Consumables

Students have access to a range of basic office supplies to use throughout their placement, including printing and laminating facilities. These consumables are charged to the supervisor’s project.

Office Resources for New Students

The Institute provides new students with a range of resources to assist them in completing their research. Allocation of resources is dependent on the student’s location, study load, project design and research requirements.

Scholarships and Awards

The Institute has a range of scholarship opportunities for both current and future students to support them during their candidature. Each year in September a range of full, top-up, and travel scholarships are announced. All students are encouraged to apply for these funding opportunities. More information on our current scholarship opportunities and eligibility criteria can be found on our website.


The IT team only supports computers owned by the Institute. Students wishing to use their own personal computer/device will need to make other support arrangements. The Institute provides the following software as standard on all computers: Microsoft Office Suite, EndNote, Antivirus Software and Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. Require additional software? Please discuss with your supervisor and the IT team, noting it will need to be paid for by your supervisor.